What We Do
Nyaka Canada is a registered charity (charity # 785719543 RR 0001) led by a voluntary board, that believes education is at the heart of changing lives and breaking the cycle of poverty.
We partner with rural communities in southwest Uganda to provide sponsorships for students to receive a quality education and for grandmother home projects to ensure grandmother caregivers and their biological and non-biological grandchildren have adequate and structurally sound shelter.
Poverty levels for these communities remain high with families earning on average $2.04 per day, below the World Bank figure for extreme poverty of $2.38 per day.
Some of the Board members have witnessed the transformational power of education through sponsoring students from NAOP over the years and other members come from neighbouring districts in southwest Uganda.
The Board understands the challenges faced in this region and the need to promote education that is inclusive, relevant and of high quality.
Nyaka Canada works with the Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project (NAOP) in southwest Uganda.
Founded by Twesigye Jackson Kaguri in 2001 to ensure economically poor, orphaned and vulnerable children from his community have the opportunity to receive an education for a better outcome and are nurtured and cared for within their communities.
Today NAOP has transformed from a two-roomed classroom of 55 students into a student body of over 700 students learning in three schools across two districts. Rooted in a holistic community-based approach, NAOP assists a network of 20,000 grandmother caregivers who self govern and lead 254 grandmother groups across the southwestern rural landscape.

33 Grandmother recipients received garden hoes

11 Grandmother recipients received solar lamps (only 10 pictured)

Celebrating NY CA's Women Board members on International Womens Day 2023

Nyaka Canada Board Member Nadine's visist to the NAOP offices in Kampala

Nyaka Canada Chair Graham with Nyaka and VIU Alum Shirah and Jackson (NAOP)

Jackson Kagui (NAOP) meets with NY CA West Coast Board Members

Jackson Kaguri (NAOP) speaks with students at VIU Nanaimo Campus Oct 2022

Nyaka Canada welcomes Jackson Kaguri (NAOP) to VIU Nanaimo Campus, Oct 2022

Newly Constructed Latrine

Traditional Pit Latrine

Newly Constructed Kitchen

Traditional Kitchen

Newly Constructed Home

Traditional Home

Grandmothers dancing and in celebration

Home project construction with local materials

Grandmother with her goats

Grandmother making handicrafts

Grandmother Friendships

Grandmother and grandson

Grandmother with her grandchildren

Nyaka Primary Students tending to the vegetable garden

Kutamba Students at recess

NVSS students fetching water from a protected spring

Brick laying and Concrete practice vocational students

Breakfast at Nyaka Primary School

NVSS students in the computer lab

NVSS students in session

Tailoring and Design Vocational students

Skipping during recess at Nyaka Primary School

Kutamba Primary School

Playtime during recess at Nyaka Primary School

Headteacher Lydia with Nyaka Primary School students

Nyaka Primary School student in class

Nyaka Vocational Secondary School Campus

Kutamba Primary School Campus

Nyaka Primary School Campus

Mother with baby carrying matooke

Kigezi sub region, Southwest Uganda

The Enengo Valley, Southwest Uganda