FAQ on Donations
Nyaka Canada is very grateful for your support.
Your donation is tax-deductible
Nyaka Canada is registered with CRA- Charity number 785719543 RR 0001
We issue tax receipts via CanadaHelps and over in the name of the true donor of the gift.
How do I donate?
We accept donations through CanadaHelps
- Credit Card
- One time or monthly
Can I pay by cheque?
Please make your cheque payable to Nyaka Canada and send it to:
Nyaka Canada
PO Box 35019 Mountain View RO
Midland ON, L4R4K0
T: 437-234-9366
What will my donation be used for?
All donations are used for the programming and delivery of the sponsorship of student program and grandmother home projects in Uganda
When will I get my tax receipt?
Any donations made via CanadaHelps will automatically issue you a tax-deductible receipt and any donations made via cheque will be issued once a year.
I still have questions?
For other ways to support us or more information Email: [email protected]